Custom vocabulary

  • Under review


Many industry specific terms and names are repeatedly misidentified. A new feature would allow the user to add custom vocabulary to be recognized in future recordings.


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Otter.ai has this. We are in the tech industry where there are a lot of obscure abbreviations and names of softwares that are crucial for meeting searches etc..


This would be really helpful, some sort of "jargon" or "vocabulary" feature. In the games industry I work in, terms like "Unreal" or "Unity" are brands, and "developed in Unity" does not mean "developed in unison". Similarly, specific vocabulary will be hard to parse for the transcription software if it doesn't have the words or context. If a user commonly sees a specific transcription error, having a way to add it to vocabulary would be really helpful.


Daniel - Head of product

Status changed to: Under review


Daniel - Head of product

Hi there, thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it. Can you tell me what industry you are in and give me an example of the right word you expected and the original word that was recognized.